Thursday, September 27, 2012

Nature CSI SOLVED--Who killed FISH and What Happen to the Body?

Looking for clues...What's this?

SCAT! The excrement of an animal--most likely a bird. But WHICH BIRD?
These white spots in the grass cover about 4 feet in diameter.

These white spots on the bushes cover a space of 3 x 6 ft.

Now I remember seeing a Great Blue Heron flying from this VERY SPOT a few times over the last few months AND seeing this very same scat pattern then as well. Hmmm...

Then I researched the subject and discovered that Great Blue Heron rookeries (where birds make their nests in large groups) are full of scat covered trees and in fact, the scat eventually coats the tree and the tree dies. AND, here it is--the evidence... there are often whole fish and fish body parts scattered around the ground and hanging in the trees from the Great Blue Herons feeding in these rookeries.

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