Saturday, June 30, 2012

Flowers in June

They are so very beautiful and smell so very nice. I can share the pictures but not the wonderful smells.

Elderberry Bush.
This will make edible berries that make good jam!

Berries from the Honeysuckle Bush. Ripe is dark RED.
NOT edible for us but the birds like them.

Daisy Fleabane.
Used by early settlers to chase away--fleas.

Not sure what this one is but that is a REAL ladybug.
Not an Asian Beetle, the kind that bite.

Milkweed, the plant that the Monarch Butterfly lays it's eggs.
And a REAL honeybee--they look fuzzy.
Honey bees are a very important part of our natural order.
They fertilize the plants to make fruit-no bees, no fruit!

Clover. Clover smells heavenly.

Not sure what this one is...

Not sure here either.
Purple Coneflower--a medicinal plant.

If you dig up and roast the root, it makes a coffee-like beverage.

Cattails--a lot of these in our marsh.

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