Every morning I would wake to this bird singing his little heart out. For such a small bird, he was an energetic singer--bubbly, loud and clear.
Click to hear his song.
photo courtesy of allaboutbirds.org |
What was he singing about you ask? This is a male House Wren, who worked very hard to make a beautiful nest and he was working equally hard to find a mate to share it with.
He made hundreds of trips carrying a single twig into the little hole on the end of this bird feeder. Sometimes, the twig was too big to fit in the hole so he would go get another one. He worked on this nest every day for almost a week. And then he began to sing...
He would sit out on this bare limb above his nest in the green feeder and energetically defend his nesting area. He would chase away birds twice his size if they landed on the limb. He sang and sang.
He began singing in mid June and continued singing into late July.
And then he stopped!
We never saw our House Wren again...
...and he never did find a mate for his beautiful nest.